Tuesday, October 27, 2009

nom nom

On Sunday I found this recipe for cheddar-jalapeno scones, and yesterday I went to the store and today I made them.

They are so good.

Look at the flaky insides! Nom nom nom. The top was really crunchy, too, because of the egg brushed on the top. So good. They probably could have been taken out of the oven a wee bit earlier, but I was watching lectures and not checking on them.

Look! I used a dinosaur sandwich cutter for two of them!

So, on the blog I got the recipe from, hers look way classier. Part of it is that mine are probably overbaked, and I used yellow sharp cheddar instead of white, but I'm also convinced that she has perfected the fine art of food imaging. Even if food is friggin' delicious, it rarely looks as good in the pictures I take. Case in point, because these "scones" are awesome.

Anyway, if you want some delicious biscuit-type items, they'd be perfect for breakfast or as a side to a southwest or cajun meal. Or to eat throughout the day, as I have been doing. Soooo tasty.


  1. Wow. Sounds amazing! Also, I am hooked the website where you got the recipe!

  2. They were so tasty! But a warning: she really wasn't joking when she said scones are best on the first day. They lost a lot of texture by the second day. I was sad.

    She runs a good blog. I want to cook basically everything on it, except the things that look too hard because I am chicken.
