Wednesday, September 16, 2009

i think about important things.

I have decided that sushi is the perfect first date food for me, for the following reasons:

1) Mexican food makes you Mexican food
2) I don't like Italian food all that much YES I KNOW IT'S WEIRD
3) Delicious peppery things get into my teeth (weh)
4) Also bready things get into my teeth
5) Many other foods have the potential to make me feel ill, THEREFORE:

first dates should be sushi. I had this revelation tonight after a girl's night. I was like hey! I smell normal, nothing's in my teeth, I am comfortably full and my stomach doesn't hurt. VICTORY.

I give delicious seafood a close second. that's what I thought about on the way home from girls' night.

Anyways I shouldn't be needing to go on any first dates because I have Brandon! And he is finally home. And we are both in the same place, and by "the same place" I mean two and a half hours away from each other, but that beats this summer by, quite literally, miles and miles.

Brownies are in the oven and it's Wednesday and I'm out of excuses to avoid studying. Except you know that I will find a way.

I applied for a jorb today. I would make money! I would collect urine samples! lolz

1 comment:

  1. Except that sushi does have the potential to make you hurl. Not good on the first date. Of course, like you, I don't need to worry about such things . . . :)
