Sunday, July 26, 2009

last half day in Laos

In the morning Imogen and I woke up around 8 and went to find breakfast. We found some lovely raisin toast and fruit salad. The toast came with mixed tropical fruit jam and Lao honey. The honey was sooooo good.

Then we decided to go find Phu Si, a temple on the top of a hill in the center of town. Somehow, we had missed it the day before. It was quite a hike up! After about 100 stairs we saw a sign saying that there were more than a hundred more stairs to the top. Whew! But we made it, and I'm glad, because the views of the city were spectacular!

You can see the airport runway in this one!

They had a buddha for every day of the week. I forget which day this one was for!

We had to rush down the hill to get back to our guesthouse to meet the tuk tuk driver at 11:30 and pay for our room. The tuk tuk driver was actually early (!) but we first ran upstairs to get Trish and Dana's contact info. Then we hopped on the tuk tuk and went to the airport! It was probably the smallest airport I've ever been to. Still, they had some food - smile burger!

You just walk out to your plane and climb the steps to get on! (I'm over there on the right.)

Even though the flight was only an hour long, they served us lunch. It was good, too - hand-made and -wrapped. Little ham sandwiches, pieces of white dragonfruit, and a small cake. By 2:30pm, we were back in Chiang Mai. Craziness!

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