Tuesday, April 19, 2011


my patient looked at me when i walked in the room and said "thank goodness you are always here." haha. that just about made my day. it's true that when she had a "gout attack" (probably false alarm) at 4am in the morning, i'm the one that came running. the unique part about being a medical student is that you usually do have the time to be the person that's always around. if it's a small thing, it's right up my alley.

when another of my patients left, she gave me a hug, and i was surprised because getting her well had been a long, slightly antagonistic struggle. but i think she realized we were in it together? aww.

but think how much more adorable that moment would have been if she was a small child??? like one time on peds when i was leaving the room and the parent said "marie says you get an A+." ADORBS. haha. we'll see what i end up choosing, medicine or pediatrics. but at least all adults don't hate me.

PS - lady number one - the one who's glad i'm always around to take her crazy complaints (ie, "They're only feeding me THREE MEALS A DAY here!!!!!) also thanked the entire team as a whole for diuresing her, telling us that she "looked like a straight piglet when i came in here, hooves and all. straight piglet." sure, sure. that's what we do. turn piglets back into humans?

1 comment:

  1. I initially read "ADORBS" as "ADSORB"; this is the branching point. You are officially speaking a different language than I am.
