Wednesday, June 30, 2010

hello everyone!

So I've been getting some sass for not updating this thang. Here are my excuses:

1) When I was on surgery, I was working or sleeping. And if I wasn't doing that, I should have been reading about surgery. Or maybe eating. Anyway, it's a shame I didn't post more during that time, because there were lots of good stories, and that's supposed to be the point of this blog. Which leads to my 2nd excuse, which is that:

2) I'm just really bad at blogging; I start posts, I don't finish them. I will try to be better. Again.

3) THIRD EXCUSE: Since surgery I have been studying for the boards, and there is nothing, and I mean nothing, that will turn you into a boring person faster. Everytime mom calls she's like "hey what are you doing" and I'm like "studying." And it's actually true, which is the worst part.

SO to show you how boring my life is, here is a list of the things I googled 2 days ago:

holoprosencephaly - your brain does not develop properly into 2 hemispheres
sirenomelia - mermaid babies!! (actually not a good thing)
patent ductus arteriosus - your ductus arteriosus stays open when you are born, leading to a classic "machinery like" murmur. oh and the whole point of it is to bypass the lungs in the fetus and send blood straight from the pulmonary arteries to the aorta. but if it stays open once you're born, you need to close it.
syringomyelia - enlargement of central canal of the spinal cord. crossing fibers of the spinothalamic tract are typically damaged first, so you get bilateral loss of pain and temperature sensation in the upper extremities with preservation of touch sensation.

Okay I'll spare you the rest. Get the idea? I took a four hour practice test today and that's half the length of the actual exam. BLARGH. I am so tired, and my brain feels so full. There was actually a study done that showed my brain gets bigger while I study for this exam, compared to students who take the summer off. GO MY BRAIN!!!

PS I do have one post from when I was on surgery that I just never completed - I'll backdate that one and post it sometime, so look out for that.

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